TPL Planner Picks
It’s that time of year to prepare for going back to school! Get ahead of the game and set your child and yourself up for success with a new planner for the school year. There are so many things to consider when choosing the right fit planner, and there are seemingly endless options out there! We asked the TPL Community what their go-to planner picks are and below are some of our favorites.
Rachel’s Pick
Rachel’s Pick
For: Elementary Students
“We love this planner for elementary students because the format of a space for each subject each day helps them stay organized with their assignments. Also, there is a place to write a word list each week, which is great for weekly spelling or vocabulary words. With so many colors and themes to choose from, every student is sure to find one that they love!” - Rachel
Student Pick
For: Middle School Students
While this planner is for the calendar year rather than the school year, a TPL middle school student chose this planner that is simple in design and flexible in how it can be used for filling out to-dos and schedules. We love helping students find the option that is the right fit for them because it increases their motivation to use it!
Jenn’s Pick
For: Homeschool Parents & Teachers
“If you’re looking for a custom teacher paper planner, Erin Condren’s are wonderful. You can choose between vertical and horizontal orientations, different daily and monthly layouts, custom removable covers, and more.” - Jenn
Vanessa’s Pick
For: High School Students
“One of my favorite parts about a new school year was choosing a new planner! I loved considering the aesthetic, size, and set up (yes, even as a middle and high schooler). There are a lot of great options out there, but I like this one in particular because it is simple in design while also incorporating mind mapping, vision boarding, and goal setting activities.” - Vanessa B
Alia’s Pick
Special Highlight - Journal Recommendation
For: Elementary Students (there is also an adult version)
“I have an intention setting planner to recommend! The Five-Minute Journal will help students tap into gratitude and set personal intentions for their academic day ahead. Intentions impact so much of what we do and how we show up in the world, both in our academic and personal lives. I think it's important that students build these habits for themselves, as they can often set the foundation for their future success. Using this journal felt like a warm hug, and helped me start the day with a spark of inspiration!” -Alia
Daniel’s Pick
Special Highlight - Tech Option
For: Middle and High School Students & Adults
Daniel likes to guide his students in finding the approach that works best for the individual. Time, tasks, materials, and energy are the various aspects he helps students focus on when figuring out a self-management system that works for them in school and extracurriculars. This app combined with Google Calendar are Daniel’s picks for a digital way to manage schedule and to-dos!